How to use diamond painting fix tool

What to Do with Leftover Drills from Diamond Painting?

Diamond painting has gained immense popularity in recent years as a creative and therapeutic craft. As you indulge in this artistic endeavor, you may end up with leftover drills—those small, sparkling resin rhinestones that make up the dazzling mosaic. In this article, we explore various creative ways to repurpose and make the most of these leftover drills, adding a touch of uniqueness and innovation to your crafting journey.

Understanding Diamond Painting

Before diving into the creative possibilities of leftover drills, let’s briefly understand the process of diamond painting. It is a meditative and enjoyable craft where an adhesive canvas is covered with drills, also known as “diamonds.” These drills, which resemble tiny faceted diamonds, are meticulously placed onto the canvas, creating a vibrant and eye-catching image. The drills are often color-coded and have corresponding symbols that match the canvas, guiding the placement process.

What Are Leftover Drills?

Leftover drills refer to the excess rhinestones that remain after completing a diamond painting project. Depending on the complexity of the design and the precision of your placements, you might have varying quantities of drills left. These drills come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, offering a treasure trove of creative potential.

Why Are There Leftover Drills?

Several factors can contribute to having leftover drills after completing a diamond painting project. Some common reasons include:

  • Error Margin: Due to the intricate nature of diamond painting, it’s not uncommon to make mistakes or have slight variations in the number of drills needed for a specific area. This can result in leftover drills.
  • Extra Provided Drills: Diamond painting kits often include a surplus of drills to ensure that crafters have enough of each color. These extras are intended to prevent any shortage during the project.
  • Personalization and Customization: Crafters might opt for personalizing their diamond paintings by adding unique details, such as different colors or types of drills. This customization can lead to leftover drills that don’t match the original design.

Creative Uses for Leftover Drills

Rather than letting those leftover drills gather dust, here are several exciting ways to utilize them creatively:

Making Custom Designs

Leftover drills can be a valuable resource for creating custom designs. You can use them to add intricate details or patterns to existing paintings or create entirely new designs. Let your imagination run wild as you experiment with different color combinations and shapes.

Enhancing Other Crafts

Integrate leftover drills into other crafts to add a touch of sparkle and elegance. They can be used to embellish greeting cards, scrapbooks, or handmade invitations. Incorporating these drills into various craft projects can elevate their aesthetic appeal and make them truly unique.

Creating Jewelry

Transform your leftover drills into stunning jewelry pieces. With some basic jewelry-making supplies and a bit of creativity, you can craft earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or even brooches. The dazzling drills will lend a touch of glamour and sophistication to your accessories.

Decorating Accessories

Unleash your creativity by using leftover drills to embellish accessories. Jazz up phone cases, keychains, wallets, or even shoes with these sparkling accents. By doing so, you’ll give a new lease of life to your accessories, making them eye-catching conversation starters.

DIY Home Decor

Leftover drills can be used to create unique and personalized home decor items. Decorate picture frames, candle holders, or vases with the drills to add a touch of elegance and glamour to your living spaces. You can also use the drills to create striking wall art or mosaic-style designs.

Educational Activities

Leftover drills can be an excellent resource for educational activities, especially for children. They can be used for counting, sorting, and pattern-making exercises. The drills can help enhance fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination while making learning fun and engaging.

Sharing with Fellow Crafters

Connect with the diamond painting community by sharing your surplus drills with fellow crafters. You can organize drill swaps or donate them to craft clubs, schools, or community centers. By sharing your leftover drills, you not only foster creativity but also contribute to a sense of camaraderie among craft enthusiasts.

How to Store Leftover Drills

Proper storage of leftover drills ensures they remain organized and readily available for future projects. Consider the following storage options:

  • Small plastic containers with dividers or compartments
  • Ziplock bags labeled with color codes
  • Pill organizers with multiple compartments
  • Craft storage boxes with adjustable sections

Remember to label each storage container with the corresponding color or symbol to maintain clarity and ease of use.


Leftover drills from diamond painting projects hold immense creative potential. By exploring the various ideas mentioned above, you can transform these surplus drills into stunning custom designs, jewelry, home decor items, and much more. Embrace the opportunity to let your imagination soar and make the most of these sparkling gems.


Yes, you can mix leftover drills from different kits if they have a similar size and shape. Mixing drills can add an extra element of creativity to your projects.

To remove leftover drills, gently lift them using a diamond drill separator or tweezers. Take care not to damage the canvas or disrupt the placement of the remaining drills.

Yes, you can purchase additional drills from various diamond painting suppliers. Ensure that the colors and shapes match your existing leftover drills for a seamless integration.

Absolutely! Leftover drills can be reused in future diamond painting projects as long as they are in good condition and match the required colors and symbols.

Using storage containers with dividers, labeling each container with the corresponding color or symbol, and maintaining a systematic approach will help you quickly locate the drills you need for your next project.

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