How does diamond painting work?

How does diamond painting work?

Diamond painting is a popular craft that combines elements of cross-stitch and paint-by-numbers. It involves creating a stunning piece of artwork by placing small resin “diamonds” onto a pre-printed canvas.

 The process is simple yet enjoyable, making it a favorite hobby for people of all ages.

 In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of diamond painting, from the materials and tools used to the step-by-step process and the benefits it offers.

 Materials and Tools


To get started with diamond painting, you will need a few essential materials and tools. Here are the key components:


The canvas serves as the base for your diamond painting. It is typically made of high-quality fabric and features a printed design with numbered or symbol-coded areas. The canvas is crucial as it guides you on where to place each diamond.


The diamonds used in the diamond painting are small resin rhinestones that resemble faceted gems. They come in a wide range of colors and are available in different shapes, such as round or square. Each diamond is color-coded to match the corresponding area on the canvas, allowing for easy identification and placement.

Diamond Applicator

A diamond applicator, also known as a pen or stylus, is used to pick up and place the diamonds on the canvas.

 It typically has a small, sticky tip that allows the diamonds to adhere to it temporarily. This tool makes it easy to handle the tiny diamonds and place them accurately.

Wax Pad

The wax pad is an essential accessory that helps in the diamond-picking process. It provides a slightly sticky surface for the diamond applicator, allowing the diamonds to adhere to it more effectively.

 By gently pressing the applicator on the wax pad, you can pick up the diamonds with ease.


A tray or sorting container is used to organize the diamonds. It usually has multiple compartments or sections to keep the diamonds separated by color or shape. This helps in quickly locating the required diamond for each section of the canvas and ensures a smooth workflow.

 Process of Diamond Painting

The diamond painting follows a straightforward process that allows you to gradually bring your artwork to life. Here are the steps involved:

Preparing the Workspace

Before diving into diamond painting, it’s important to set up a clean and organized workspace. Clear a flat surface and gather all the materials you need. Make sure you have ample lighting to see the canvas clearly.

Selecting a Design

Choose a diamond painting design that appeals to you. There are numerous options available, ranging from landscapes and animals to famous artworks and custom designs. Select a design that suits your preferences and skill level.

Applying Wax to the Applicator

Take the diamond applicator and remove the cover from its sticky tip. Dip the tip into the wax pad and twist it gently to pick up a small amount of wax. This wax coating will enhance the stickiness of the applicator and make it easier to pick up the diamonds.

Picking up Diamonds

With the wax-coated tip of the applicator, gently press it onto the flat side of a diamond. The diamond will stick to the applicator, allowing you to lift it up from the tray or sorting container. Ensure that the diamond is properly attached to the applicator before moving on.

Placing Diamonds on the Canvas

Refer to the canvas and locate the corresponding symbol or color code for the diamond you picked up. Carefully place the diamond onto the corresponding area on the canvas, applying gentle pressure to ensure it sticks securely. Repeat this process for each diamond, working one section at a time.

Finishing Touches

Continue placing diamonds on the canvas until all the sections are completed. Pay attention to any special instructions provided with the kit, such as adding extra details or accents.

 Once you have placed all the diamonds, step back and admire your sparkling masterpiece.

 Tips for Diamond Painting

While diamond painting is a relaxing and enjoyable activity, a few tips can help enhance your experience and ensure better results:

Organizing Diamonds

Before you start diamond painting, take some time to organize the diamonds. Use the sorting tray to separate them by color or shape. This will save time and make it easier to locate the required diamonds as you work on different sections.

Starting with Larger Areas

If your canvas has large areas of the same color, begin by placing diamonds in those sections. This allows you to establish a rhythm and complete larger portions of the painting quickly. It also provides a sense of progress and motivates you to continue.

Working in Sections

To avoid the adhesive on the canvas drying out, it’s best to work on one section at a time. Start with a small area, complete it, and then move on to the next. This approach helps maintain the stickiness of the canvas and ensures that diamonds adhere properly.

Applying Gentle Pressure

When placing the diamonds on the canvas, apply gentle and even pressure. This helps the diamonds adhere securely without damaging the canvas. Avoid pressing too hard, as it can cause the canvas to warp or the adhesive to become less effective.

Avoiding Air Bubbles

Air bubbles can sometimes form between the diamonds and the adhesive, affecting the overall appearance of the artwork.

 To prevent this, ensure that the diamonds are pressed firmly onto the canvas. If you notice any air bubbles, gently push them out with the edge of the diamond applicator or a small pin.

Storing Unfinished Projects

If you need to take a break from your diamond painting project, it’s important to store it properly to avoid any damage or loss of diamonds. Roll up the canvas and place it in a cylindrical container, making sure to secure it tightly. 

Store the diamonds in the sorting tray or in resealable bags, labeled with their respective color codes.

 Benefits of Diamond Painting

Diamond painting offers several benefits that contribute to its popularity as a hobby. Here are some of the advantages it provides:

Relaxation and Stress Relief

Engaging in diamond painting can be a therapeutic and calming activity. Focusing on the repetitive motions of placing diamonds on the canvas helps reduce stress and anxiety. It allows you to enter a meditative state and find solace in the creative process.

Boosting Creativity

Diamond painting allows you to express your creativity and create visually stunning artwork. While the canvas provides a structure, you have the freedom to choose the colors and add your personal touch.

 It encourages artistic exploration and can help you develop your artistic skills.

Creating Personalized Artwork

One of the unique aspects of diamond painting is the ability to create customized artwork. You can turn personal photos, portraits, or meaningful images into diamond paintings.

 This allows you to create special keepsakes or gifts for loved ones, adding a personal touch to the art.

Building Patience and Focus

Diamond painting requires patience and attention to detail. It teaches you to focus on the present moment and work diligently to achieve a desired outcome.

 As you complete each section, you develop patience, perseverance, and the ability to stay focused on a task for an extended period.


Diamond painting is a captivating and engaging hobby that offers a delightful combination of creativity, relaxation, and personalization. With its simple yet rewarding process, anyone can create dazzling artworks that bring joy and pride.

 Whether you’re looking to unwind, explore your artistic side, or create unique gifts, diamond painting is an excellent choice. So, gather your materials, set up your workspace, and embark on a sparkling journey of artistic expression.


The time required to complete a diamond painting depends on various factors, such as the size and complexity of the design, your skill level, and the amount of time you dedicate to the activity. Smaller projects can be finished in a few hours, while larger and more intricate designs may take several days or weeks.

Yes, diamond paintings can be framed to display as finished artwork. Once you have completed your diamond painting, you can have it framed professionally or use a premade frame. Framing protects the artwork and allows you to showcase it as a decorative piece in your home.

If you run out of diamonds while working on a project, don’t worry. Most diamond painting kits include extra diamonds to account for potential shortages. However, if you still need additional diamonds, you can contact the manufacturer or explore online marketplaces that specialize in diamond painting supplies.

Yes, you can create your own diamond painting design. Several online platforms and software allow you to convert images into diamond painting patterns. By following the provided instructions, you can turn your favorite photographs or artwork into a unique diamond painting design.

To clean a finished diamond painting, avoid using water or any liquid-based cleaning agents, as they can damage the artwork. Instead, gently wipe the surface of the painting with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove any dust or dirt. If necessary, you can use a small brush with soft bristles to reach into crevices.

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